Saturday, December 11, 2010

Whew!!!! Surgery went well:)

No cancer cells in the sentinel lymph nodes!   Now we wait for report from the pathologist and pray for clear margins.  Then on to radiation.

I'll see Dr. Sedlacek on Dec. 15, I may get a phone report before then???   I'll know more about radiation schedule when and where at that time, but he did say I was a candidate for the 5 day twice a day treatment.

My sis Maxine is on her way from Wisconsin, YEA!!

I feel good, planning to take my sis to Santa Fe, Christmas is beautiful there :)

Thanks Yous go out to Karna, Rev. Mark, Mike Kanda, Nacho, and my loving husband for being with me and praying before surg.  LOVE U Lots!  : -)

Thank You all for the prayers and support through this stressful experience, I know my friends and family are all thinking of me and praying for me because I have stayed strong and positive, ok just a little weepy at times :-)


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Feeling OK

I'm feeling ok.  I played golf Thrs. with my friends Sandy and Steve Bourel, Sandy graduated from highschool in 67 from East also.  (Sandy Skaggs)  One Rah Nine Rah, for her also.  She has been great in keeping me occupied with life before IDC.

Stu says he is playing golf with his son, we agreed to play in the Spring, I told him I was pretty good, he says he is just starting so I'll probably beat him, hee hee.  Looking forward to talking to Stu after this cancer part of my life is in check.

I am hopeing I can have the brachytherapy option for radiation.  More direct, less tissue exposure and shorter duration.

I'll have Jamie, my sweet daughter post a note  after surg to let folks know how I did, then I'll give update when we get pathology report, thats when staging is known.

I plan to visit with Karna Minnet (Serfling), and Beth Biggs Tuesday, I'm looking forward to this visit.

For now, it's just staying busy, seeing friends and family, and staying positive :-)  EvaLou

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


How and why I found out so early about this tumor.  I lost my youngest sister, 50 yrs of age to breast cancer Sept 30.  While crying and talking to my friend Liz Mendez, her daughter Karen Ortiz reminded me that I was due for my mammogram.  Karen works for Parkwest Imaging, she left a pink pen on the kitchen table with the phone number for Parkwest.  One day later I had my phone in hand and fumbled through my purse and discovered the pen.  I scheduled my mammogram.  When filling out the history for the routine exam I had to enter the info about my sis.  I remember thinking about my risk for breast cancer changed.(slightly I thought).

Mammo had one small area of density that was suspicious and required a diagnositic mammogram, that showed that the density indeed was present and I had to have an ultrasound.  This is when everything changed for me.

The ultrasound tec. came out and said "do you remember me?"  She is the daughter of a nursing colleague and friend that I knew since she was a small child, Della Armijo.  Whild performing the ultrasound, we caught up on family and enjoyed our conversation, she excused herself and said she would talk to the radiologist and be right back.

Upon returning, Della informed me that I needed to have an ultrasound guided biopsy, she would schedule this and also assist Dr. Bartaldo.  Tissue sample were extracted from the tiny tumor 4mm by 5 mm, until the tumor disappeared (from ultrasound report) and sent to Dr. Stuart Marsh, Pathologist and friend at Parkview Hospital.

So, today I would like to thank God for sending me four Angels, Karen Ortiz, Della Armijo, Dr. Bartaldo, and Dr. Marsh. 

I shared this story with my surgeon Dr. Joyce Moore, who said she believes that God has been with me to find this sooo early and that God has plans for me.  I too believe this, and will be forever grateful for my four Angels.

Surgery will be December 9, Skyridge Med Center, lumpectomy with Sentinal biopsy followed by radiation.  Just like Stu (Dr. Marsh) said :-)

Feeling strong and hopeful, EvaLou